We're #TheShunmoogams

My husband and I were victims of a dreaded condition known as complacency. If you've never heard of this terrible condition before, it's a disease that leads to spending 10 hours a day at a job that you don't particularly like.

It's an illness that stops you from pursuing your personal goals and aspirations because you can never find the time.

It's a debilitating condition that causes you to trudge through each day doing the daily grind as life quickly passes you by.

Back then, my husband and I used to get up early in the morning, go to work, eat dinner, sleep and then wake up again the next day to the repeat the cycle.

Even though we both made a pretty decent salary from our day jobs, we were coasting our best years of our lives like lifeless zombies. After all, we weren't challenging ourselves. We weren't trying new things and we stayed within our comfort zone when making important decisions. We had no sense of purpose and we were demotivated and stagnant.

It sounds harsh but we were lazy. Eventhough we had a lot of free time, we always ended up wasting it on empty activities. For example: our day consisted of working from 8am-5pm, eating and then watching television until it was time to go to bed.

Days and weeks went by quickly and we didn't have anything to show for it. Even when I try really hard, I am unable to recall any specific memories during that period of my life. The only thing I remember, is that I watched a hell of a lot of television and that I was terribly unhappy with my job.

In fact, the only memory that stands out in my mind was how much I dreaded having to go to work each and every day.

It really was particularly painful to watch my husband, over time start to drag himself out of bed and witness him suffer every morning, eventhough he had been successful at his positions during his career, he never felt fulfilled working at any of his jobs. What's ironic is that my husband and I had always wanted to start a business and be our own boss but most importantly create a legacy.

I talked about opening an online store many times but never took any action until it happened ...


All of a sudden we got an injection of motivation and enthusiasm.

But as millions of thoughts swirled through my head, my primary concern became financial security.

We needed to find another way to make money and replace our salaries. Hence our website was born.

We hope our story reach as many aspiring entrepreneurs as possible.

Lastly thank you to every single one of the THOUSANDS of people who love and support us on the daily- Without you all this would not be possible!


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I've always been in love with my culture

Dancing as a young kid, seemed to have made the people around me so happy - my parents and grandmother would cheer up my brother and I at every family function to perform. I'll admit, I loved the attention I got from being on stage, I've always felt seen and heard through dance. But like most things, life got in the way, having been through re-locating from Durban to Johannesburg, losing my granny, the covid pandemic and losing my both my mum and dad in June 2021, I am finally able to complete my training in Barathnatyam ( Indian Classical Dance). (Check back soon for when Majisti Dance School opens). Through all those years of practice, sweat and tears, dance has always flowed through my veins and given me a life-long dance partner, Nivendran Arumugam (my brother).