It's our goal to help reduce the devastating impact of non-sustainable fashion consumption by:

  • Providing an online thrift shop for shoppers of exceptional quality pre-owned fashion apparel whilst saving them up to 90% of what they would have paid for the same items at the shopping mall.

help save our planet...

Every day, billions of us buy clothes, shoes and handbags with not a single thought about where they came from or where they will go to once we have used them a few times or very often, not worn them at all.

Did you know?

It is expected that by the year 2050, we will need 3 times as many natural resources to keep up with demand for the new fashion
The statistics relating to the consumption of fashion are staggering.

Featured collection


Buying second hand fashion in South Africa has never been this easy. At MAJISTI THRIFT we are committed to changing the way that you view fashion thrift shopping.

Our pre-loved fashion items have been carefully selected so that they are authentic, in perfect condition and in many instances brand new with original tags still intact.

Buying pre-loved is a liberating experience, no longer do you have to be a slave to conventional fashion trends, styles and seasons. You are likely to find thrift items that are authentically you.